A machine which calculates data and performs commands given to it by a person who uses it.
Computers are now a part of human society.
by AYB March 10, 2003
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A machine that does work for You and even lets you find someones home address
Me: Yo dude i got a sweet new computer

Friend: thats really cool what Kind is it?
by Boyoboy420 June 11, 2021
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A computer is device used for various things
Manan namans brother is not allowed to play on the computer
by KiloCharlie2131 October 5, 2020
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Guy 1: Hey what's that?
Guy 1: A computer
(Guy 2 walks in)
Guy 2: Are you talking to yourself?
by WaysideWorks January 29, 2019
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wireless internal fire-powered item
computer nerd: i got my super-power-w-i-f-i-computer
English nerd: wow a wireless internal fire-powered item so splendid!
computer nerd: it only cost 50$
English nerd: OK...
computer nerd: PC computer i am using and i also have a laptop computer
by cohenPirate June 12, 2018
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A tool used for people to communicate with each other and have fake sex. The source of evil in the world. Started many a scary cults.
Callie and Ki started a cult, and recruited Kali, Bob, Anna, Nikki and all the rest. We blame those damn computers
by theeclique September 14, 2003
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A book or a box, it never means what it says.
"Help" tab never helps

"Print" tab never prints
by NoGig November 19, 2003
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