To be clutched is to be rejected.
Richie was totally clutched by the young blonde by the jukebox.
by OneBadAsp October 23, 2006
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To be used in place of any other word refrencing to something thats happened.

Replacements such as :
cool, rad, hip, sexy, neato, sweet, etc.
Man, that was so clutch!
Dude, that was so clutch!

Oh man, that was so clutch i just crapped myself!
by Robert/Dan February 10, 2005
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Alex Henery. Most accurate kicker in NCAA history who played for Nebraska from 2007-2011.
Man did you see Alex Henery's 57 yard bomber last night?

Yeah, that guys clutch.
by kcwah February 25, 2011
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Originating in select areas of the University of Maryland, clutch is a noun used to describe a person who is, essentially, a bitch. A clutch is often the subject of jokes and is usually excluded from social events because of the bitch-assery that they tend to exhibit.
Person 1: Yo, did you see that v-neck David was wearing today?
Person 2: Yeah dude, what a clutch.
by Saint Chen September 25, 2009
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An action resulting in good results that is usually last minute or last resort.
The party was about to start and there was no beer until Coleman showed up with a case. He came in clutch.
by mlb810 February 17, 2011
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Bases loaded, game tied 5-5, Alex Rodriguez up to bat in clutch situation.


See: A-Rod's post-season numbers with Yankees.
by Laxorcist June 17, 2006
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n. A gamer who is able to pull through for their team while being the last one standing, winning the match.
I am clutch at Call of Duty.
by cheshire cat August 21, 2004
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