a clitoris in which has been carved out to form a sack like appendage.
"whao" said tim, "her clit sack sags down to her knees!!"
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a type of orgasm that goes beyond Freud's definition of the mature vaginal orgasm. Clitoral orgasms were considered immature and a married woman was expected to achieve a "mature orgasm" , meaning a vaginal orgasm, when having sex with her husband. The post-clitoral orgasm is a contextual understanding of the four types of orgasm that a woman is actually capable of achieving.
the ability to physically experience a post-clitoral orgasm in which the woman achieves; clitoral, vaginal, cervical, and g-spot orgasms simultaneously.
by Dr. Sexpert November 4, 2010
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A tendency to equate absolutely everything to a woman's or feminist's singular point of view--often for her own pleasure and devoid of any sociocultural value. Deployed by pseudo-intellectuals, Marxists, 4th-wave feminists and male apologists.
I mention this because I thought it might be helpful to all feminists who have a socio-clitoral and not socio-cultural bend on things. The world can no more evolve and revolve in a matriarchy than it can in patriarchy. The concept that seems to titillate feminists and radicals as of late is that every single possible thing wrong with the world is because of white men.
by Fresz Prinz August 10, 2019
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Yo Jack has a clitor where his dick was supposed to be.
by Barracko Bama September 7, 2022
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The ability to conquer urges to hook up with a super hot guy, with whom you have clear mutual attraction.
Wow, you hung out at his apartment all night and you didn’t sleep with him? That’s some serious clitoral fortitude!
by acohenNY September 13, 2018
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when you lay your badonkadonk on some pagoga and fart on it 🏳️ 🌈
clitoral fart orgasm go brrrrrrrr
by xX 44100 Xx July 27, 2021
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“Stop taking things so cliterally
I had the clitoral worst night last night
by I’m a cliteral genius August 27, 2022
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