"I pumped that cock chute raw last night."
by Big J December 17, 2004
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Early 1970's Military Terminology for one's rectum
Navy fags like to pack each other's dookey chute
by plumberextraordinaire August 22, 2003
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"Mmmm girlfriend after he took me to Red Lobster he tried to stick it in my Dookie Chute!"
by ReverendOD August 16, 2011
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A male who enjoys having their man-meat camping out in the confinements of ass.
Chute Goblins are bizarre creatures.
by Play2fade August 15, 2004
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When you have to shit so bad it comes shootin' out like a greased pig. Chute is used as a reference to an animal chute on a farm.
by Kray-Z_Kanuck January 12, 2009
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Based on the flight attendant who quit by cursing out the passengers, grabbing a beer, and opened the plane's emergency slide and rode it to freedom.

It refers to an over-the-top, dramatic way to quit your job.
I am so fed up with this job. I'm just thinking of the ways i can ride the chute out of here.
by The Real Snicks August 10, 2010
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