Made from the same plant (tThe Cocoa, Bean= Chocolate, Leaf= Cocaine) as Cocaine, Chocolate is addictive as it contains one of the same chemicals as Cocaine but this chemical is only effective to females.
Don't be stupid and think cocaine is not addictive to males cause theres other shite in it.
White chocolate does not apply!
Girl: This chocolate is as good as Smack.
Other Girl: Made of the same stuff!
by Doctor Who Companion July 11, 2007
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adj. a description of something amazingly fantastic.
It was so chocolate when we stumbled upon the annual night of debauchery party.
by dstbandnt November 27, 2007
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A hot chocolate-flavoured drink containing little or no actual chocolate.
What can I get you to drink? Tea? Coffee? Not chocolate?
I'll have a not chocolate, please.
by Blue Jack January 2, 2009
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Specifically shopping for chocolate.
Hey girls! When you are having a chocolate craving, what do you want? CHOCOLATE! Well, go chocolating! Pack up the kids, wrangle your husband, grab a group of girlfriends, or hit the town alone and find a chocolate shop. Basically, GO CHOCOLATING!!! Sure, you will come home and eat a boat-load of chocolate. Sure, you will regret it later, but that's why chocolating means "shopping for chocolate". How often do you really go shopping? huh, what was that? Oh, only once a week?...Well, if you only do it once a week, it can't be all that bad for you. So, let loose! When you get the urge, take life by the horns and go CHOCOLATING!!!
by CocoTaster2Silvertongue August 14, 2011
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Chocolate? Did you just look up chocolate?



by Lebrochaun May 29, 2010
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having or containing chocolate
This brownie isn't chocolated enough.
by JayWag December 14, 2007
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The tastiest thing in the world!
Hey do you want some chocolate?
by abi March 20, 2005
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