An intense orgasm. Usually experienced when he hasn't ejjaculated for a while and/or is really into the sex. They tend to take a guys breath away and the euphoria of the climax is much more intense than what is normal for him.
The sex was so good last night, I came hard.


My orgasm built and I came hard inside her/him.
by Jemmie July 6, 2017
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Means you stole something or you took something.
Aye, where'd you get those earrings?
I came up on it at walmart
Ohh i gotta get me some of those
by Licensed to ill January 27, 2011
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The Hall of Came is a list of females that a male has masturbated over and is a play on the term Hall of Fame. New members are "inducted" and can also be thrown out. At any given time a Hall of Came should have a queen, which means a favourite member.
"Damn, Chelsea sure is looking hot today"
"Oh, she's gunna get inducted into my Hall of Came tonight"
by Tedington December 12, 2006
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drug effects wore off

past tense of coming down
Drug effects are wearing off
I came down a little while ago
by The Gunslinger April 5, 2004
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Something you say or write after seen an really awesome video.
Guy: "Hey, have you seen the new Chuck Norris movie when he beats the shit out of Jackie Chan?"
You: "Yes"
Guy: "What did you thought about it?"
You: "I came..."
by Mattematask Mattan December 14, 2009
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(Also come pipe)

Of a person when he or she fails in the completion of a task or activity resulting in short to long-term physical mental injury, brain damage, incarceration, incineration, drowning, divorce, paralysis or even death.
1. George tried to ollie over those stairs at the library, but came pipe.

2. Yo, I almost rode out a beast of a wave yesterday when I fucked it all up and came pipe.

3. I came pipe after eating one too many Twinkies and trying to do a double somersault on top of a moving train.
by Amazambane December 30, 2017
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The act of accidentally cumming all over yourself prematurely while masturbating (commonly resulting in a change of shorts)
"Guys i just slip and came all over my shorts and had to change."
by Slipper and cummer November 23, 2022
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