a nice way of saying bitch. The way you say bitch to your friends when you want to insult them.
Jorie is such a bish.
My sister took my phone. What a bish!
by Kristen_Stewert07 March 7, 2013
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When your friend doesn't wanna curse but wants to call someone a b*tch
You: She is so horrible!
Friend: I know, right! Such a bish.
by sukker-sugar May 14, 2019
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commonly used in michigan's upper pennisula; this timeless insult is used when a swear word is inappropriate; (i.e. work, in the company of children, or great grandmothers)said in one fluid motion (one syllbal) BISH replaces the forever loved BITCH (see bitch) in a swearwordless insult.
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Something douchebags say in place of the word bitch. It is either used because they are too pussy to actually say bitch, or because they think they are cool.
Just stop saying bish. you sound like a fucking loser.
by SweetDoggyM November 4, 2015
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"Bish whaaat"
by Pyun November 30, 2014
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the complete meaning of a s d and m. THEY ARE DAS BIGGEST BISHES AROUND Like bitch but shorter
omg look at dat ratchet bish.
by LIVVVVVVVVVVVVV September 1, 2014
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