Biddy - a word used when trying to describe a marijuana product.

Ex: “let’s hit that biddy” “bring the biddy”

This is usually used in friend groups because it’s not very obvious to other people who might be hearing. It most of the time is a cart.
“lets hit that biddy” “i’m about to cop that biddy”
by BeautifulCHicken April 23, 2021
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jen-“hey are you a Biddie”
robert- “tf is a Biddie”
jen- *adds to ANACC hit list*
by C44444 July 12, 2021
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young girls who dress in expensive clothing and take lots of photos that they post on facebook. these girls tend to think they're older and cooler than they actually are. usually the age ranking is from 11-14. the mall is their natural habitat.
oh look, little biddy uploaded her new album showing all her facebook friends her fun weekend that no one else cares about
by bammmmf95 August 31, 2010
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A slutty young women. Usually one who is physically atractive. Usually used when describing lots of girls.
by Tunneler August 24, 2005
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Some fine piece of ass that you just want to derail the shit out of until they get scoliosis or die.
Bro 1: Dayum bro! You see dat Biddie over there? Thats some fine ass right there. Ive been mind f%cking her for the past 10 minutes!
Bro 2: Yo brochacho, dats my Biddie! I was plugging her glory holes all night, I cant even feel my dick right now.
by Franky D-Wet February 1, 2011
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A word representing the business or goal of going out and getting biddies, or attractive females at a club, party or other locale with plenty of available females. Most often used to describe what one is doing at that current time, at which one would describe that they are "getting down to biddiness" or a similar phrase.
Sasha: What are you doing tonight Sam?

Sam: I'm going to the club tonight, got to get down to some biddiness, yaddidamean?
by The Tolo Train August 5, 2008
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1. A more polite way to say titty used when talking about anime girls or females with large breasts.
Yoooo Andrew did you see that girl’s biddies bouncing, they were huge!
by Biddie snatcher January 5, 2019
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