Jim: i feel bad for observant jews, they can't enjoy bacon
Tim: indeed. let's go mourn their loss by making a bacon sandwich
by pbfoot December 11, 2009
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GUY- i want some heaven
GUY 2- here ya go(hands bacon)
GUY- thanks
by Baconator542542 April 6, 2010
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(v.) To add bacon to anything, such as a Snickers, therefore making it delicious.
Sure, this is good pie, but lets BACONIZE it!
by bexposito November 18, 2005
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To add bacon to a food to either enhance flavor, or add flavor.
Though baconating various foods may enhance flavor, it is still unhealthy.
Who wants to live to be 88 though, seriously?
To "baconate" a salad, would be to add bacon bits, or simply add strips of bacon.

Homer Simpson, in an episode of the The Simpsons, baconated just about everything he ate, such as wrapping his breakfast sausage in bacon, which is a true example of baconating.
by Gman of the Q April 17, 2009
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Life. nuff said. goes perfect with mountain dew, or grape soda.
fk examples. bacon.
by DBigPoppaW June 30, 2011
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1)Pretty much the coolest word ever invented by god
2)Can be used as a noun, adjective, adverb, verb, and pronoun

2)Holy Bacon!!

Stop being such a Bacon!!

Your a Bacon butt!!!


On a scale to 1 to 10..... sweet bacon! (will also except what the bacon)
by BaconBoy12345 June 4, 2009
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Baconing (verb): to do an extreme combination of chillaxing and being a boss
Dude, i was down in florida last weekend and i saw this guy baconing so hard. He had ALL the ladies around him
by ElDiosDelTrueno September 22, 2010
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