A bright talented young lady. One who likes to constantly change her looks, be it with her hair color, fashion choices or make-up. Ambitious, loveable, kind, caring. Not into your every day things, Anne tends to love zombies, horror films and men with facial hair. Not one for the party scene, Anne loves the Straight Edge life style. Anne does have a temper, but it's one that you hardly ever see. Anne over all is a great person, who loves to help out whenever she can.
boy #1 "hey did you see Anne over there?"
boy #2 "WOW! That's Anne!? I didn't recognize her with her new hair color"
by XANNEXLouiseX July 25, 2010
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A blur pretty girl that makes her guy happy and she is from genson.
You must meet this girl, she is Anne.
by gboy93 May 24, 2011
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A sweet dumbass who really cares about others but is also pretty stupid. She is beautiful, thoughtful, and fun. Anne always has a good time and , not surprisingly, all the hottest guys want her. Usually has blonde hair and blue eyes. Can always put a smile on your face no matter what and is an amazing friend.
*Anne walks by*
Girl one: shit I hope my boyfriend didn't see that super hot girl!
by Badcat275 November 5, 2017
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Anne is basically a person full of badassity, jungus, and probably flaming hot cheetos. She is someone who can get along with anyone as long as their not a complete schmuck. She will kick some ass if she needs to! Just.....don't fuck with Anne.
Jim: Dude, who is that?
Jon: That's Anne! She just got done eating a bag of cheetos and now she's pissed cuz she's out of cheetos!! So stay away from her until she cools off or she'll probably kick your ass!!
by RJRB the badass February 12, 2017
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Noun(n) : An expression for small, cute, ali ali hot and more like awesome Girl. Also can be used instead of Nakkali, rautey and so on...
by Shanks010 July 8, 2019
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A British tart (whore) who likes to pet her "kitty". Often tends to dress rather outlandishly, and likes glitter and bug spray (deet).
Don't be such an Annelies and mix your water with your milk.
by goodyear February 23, 2008
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From Anne of Green Gables. Coined in this usage by Twitter user @Kjl190

The opposite of a Karen.

A completely unproblematic, sweetheart of a white woman who would only ask to see your manager to suggest they give you a break or a promotion.

See also: Sweet Anne, Darling Anne
Person 1: I heard you weren't feeling so good, so I made you some brownies.

Person 2: Thank you, Sweet Anne.


Person 1: Have you met Sheila?

Person 2: Awww yeah, she's such an Anne!
by TheLockedown April 29, 2020
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