Advice that is so generic and elementary that it can only serve to annoy the person asking for it
Advice asked: Ok, so exactly how am going beat him?
Non advice: You gotta hit him and avoid being hit.
by Midig December 18, 2018
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A great advice given by someone, which is taken as really helpful. If it's a "million dollar advice", it will be told to next person, and next etc.
someone 1: yo, man we got maths exam tomorrow, that sucks dick and it doesnt even swallow
someone 2: yeah fuck it bro, we gonna write it next time.
someone 1: nibber, that's a million dollar advice , gonna tell my buddies!
by theyo-coach March 24, 2019
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good at giving pieces of advice
ur good at being an advicer
by lahams ko si ryujin October 22, 2022
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good at giving pieces of advice
ur good at being a advicer
by lahams ko si ryujin October 22, 2022
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Nick is the type of guy to really put his all into helping you succeed in mental health and more. Vent to him and talk to him about ANYTHING, he doesn't judge and he's an overall great guy. It doesn't matter your age or how you look, find him online and he's got your back. He doesn't judge and he supports you through your all
Nick Gives Advice #2 is a great guy! (find him on snap if you need to vent or anything <3)
by WelcomePeeps! October 1, 2023
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Poor or otherwise reluctant advice.
Scott: I've been meaning to ask this girl out, could I ask for some advice?
Aaron: Use Google.
Scott: Thanks for the crack advice.
by horuntori February 24, 2016
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He is maddie's husband. He is the light of her life. He is the reason she wakes up every morning.
by zumbachis January 17, 2018
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