A tank that provides heavy armor superiority on the battlefield.


Provide heavy armor superiority on the battlefield.It entered Army Service in
1980.The Abrams tank closes with and destroys enemy forces on the integrated battlefield using mobility, firepower, and shock effect. There are three variants in service: M1, M1A1 and M1A2. The 120mm main gun on the M1A1 and M1A2, combined with the powerful 1,500 hp turbine engine and special armor, make the Abrams tank particularly suitable for attacking or defending against large concentrations of heavy armor forces on a highly lethal battlefield.

Features of the M1A1 modernization program include increased armor protection; suspension improvements; and a nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) protection system that increases survivability in a contaminated environment. The M1A1D modification consists of an M1A1 with integrated appliqué computer and a far-target-designation capability.

The M1A2 modernization program includes a commander's independent thermal viewer, an improved commander's weapon station, position navigation equipment, a distributed data and power architecture, an embedded diagnostic system and improved fire control systems.
The M1A1 Abrams cut through the Repubican Guard of Iraq easily with only having 3-4 tanks disabled.
by M€XÍ©ÃÑ-®Ü§ May 16, 2005
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Goddamm look at that ass.
Look at Abram UuhUuhh
by Maattaa May 25, 2021
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A person who is sure to light up your world. Abram is the most selfless, wonderful and amazing person you’ll ever meet. He has the best humor and can make anybody smile just by hearing him. He doesn’t realize how great he is so it’s best for anybody in his life to remind him. Not only is he a great friend-he is the most amazing boyfriend. Always there to remind you, how amazing you are when you don’t realize it yourself. He is sure to be one of the worlds favorite people, for he has all the greatest qualities in a person. Everybody loves Abram!
by duckiemomo <3 November 22, 2021
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He is the most amazing guy you'll ever meet. He's smarter than any other guy you've ever met and he always influences you in the best ways. His looks will melt your heart because he is just so damn handsome. If he was ever compared to another guy... Well that's just it. He can't be compared to others. His muscles are larger than the ocean floor and his smile will charm your mind. If he ever talked to you, then you're one lucky girl because that's means you'll get the special treatment. He's every girls dream man and he's a one in a million.

Damn is that Abram over there? He is so fucking good looking!
by ……………….. November 23, 2021
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One of the guys on the hit Tv show glee. He is a really talented rapper who has always wanted to dance, However he is disabled. He is known to be the nerdy type, though he is probably one of the funniest kind-hearted characters on the show
S: Omg Artie Abrams is such a good rapper!!!
L: I prefer Puck
by Sof.loves.glee April 5, 2021
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