Alcohol Induced Drizzle shits. When you drop a duece after a hard night of drinking and it's pretty much liquid.
Guy 1: Oh man, I have AIDS!
Guy 2: Dude, this is fucking serious, how did you get it?
Guy 1: I drank a shit load of Miller High Life!
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: Yeah, Aids...alcohol induced drizzle shits.
by kissthesharks October 8, 2009
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The reason why the the pool is closed.
Habbo fag: Dude let me through!
anon: Pool's closed due to AIDS!
by Kaido January 9, 2008
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A disease, not a mental health problem, OK people?
That man does not have AIDS?
by Golferbc September 24, 2019
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Gossip that makes you immensely cringe. (Gives you aids)
Bro someone told me that Emily likes James, that gave me the biggest Aids.
by Ka chow 5569 August 5, 2019
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a disease in which there is a severe loss of the body's cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy.
Elizabeth "Toby" De Santiago The 3rd gives me hella AIDS fam.
by ShinobiMane March 24, 2017
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Alcohol induced drippy shits the shits you get the next day after drinking to much
i'm definitely getting aids if i drink jack tonight
by square one December 24, 2010
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