*on a discord call*
Helloooo? Moise if you're still here.
by LudiTheUber October 2, 2022
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Says he likes you for a long time but once you date him he will start off amazing then he will start ignoring you then find another girl and leave you for her 😃
Girl: oh hey MOISES
him even tho he is taken: Hi.. your cute
by Random person f off March 11, 2022
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man with the fattest ass imaginable... a god at fortnite... puts styrophome in the microwave... burns the house down.. has a scary ass dog
man look at dat mf moises 😭
by bigbootylover657 May 22, 2022
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A moises is a gay guy who is not only annoying but a monkey and has a small peen and has big ears and grinds call of duty but it’s still worse than angel
by Dad angel February 16, 2020
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A man that is Transgender and likes to fuck cows with his monster 1inch cock.He Also loves gay music but cant stand when men jerk him off
Man:Hey dude dont jack me off im moises

Person 1:did you see that monster cock
Person 2:No
Person 1:Thats moises for you
by Huppyfucky November 6, 2018
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Moise Pierre is a great guy usually of Caribbean or hispanic or French origin. He smells great all the time and is a hella fly dresser. You know you met a moise pierre because of his charm or how much he makes you laugh or makes friends easily.
Boi: Wow that guy is so funny and I just met him.

Girl: He must be a moise pierre
by Jaethedon March 7, 2017
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