1. An exclamation of shared excitment between two people.
2. A phone/internet high five.
Chum: OMG I just made a vampire joke about dallas' snaggletoof
JSA: 9!
Chum: 9!
by Chum & JSA March 4, 2005
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It's <3. (love)

But much, much, much better.
Because 9 is a cooler number than 3.
It is indeed the BEST number.
And so, the best thing you could say to anyone. ever.
I <9 you

or just simply


or <99
by Maria<9 April 8, 2006
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a very excited 9 or a number that's almost 1.61*10^1859935
A: what's does 9!! equal?
B: it's 1.61*10^1859935
A: k thanks
by Plumjet09 January 5, 2022
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The date on which a computer bug caused Daft Punk's synthesizer to explode. The accident necessitated reconstructive surgery for both Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter, which is why they are now robots. Most of the recording of DISCOVERY was completed after this date, which is a mix of music between the computer chip in their brains with their beating hearts.
"In September 1999, we had this small explosion in our studio around the 9/9/99 computer bug where the sampler crashed and there was some accident—and then we just turned out to become robots. We look like robots, so we don't wear masks anymore."
by bigwtx July 24, 2009
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-an erect penis.
-brought on my sexual arousion.
Tyler always has a # 9 because he is such a horny bastard.
by boa#9 November 2, 2006
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The Dreamcast date. It only happens once a century. This is also September 9th, 1999.
Yo I can’t wait for the Dreamcast to come out on 9-9-99!
by crunchyorange November 23, 2019
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when I saw then comin' I popped the clip in my .9 and let it slip into that crazy fool.
by Shazam*BITCH June 29, 2006
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