Rating a female 1-10 based on her looks, 10 being the highest.
Damn Steve did you see that sexy girl? She was at least a 9. Regarding the 1-10 Female attractiveness scale.
by ImZeedo September 24, 2016
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Negative nine.
No matter what, DO NOT BANG!
you have been warned.
Chad: I might be drunk, but that girl looks hot.
Steve: Dude, she scores a 1-10 Female attractiveness scale. stay away.
Chad: I'm going for it.
Steve: Don't do it man. It's not worth it.
Chad: *dies of extreme disgust the next morning*
by DrFuxyaraw September 15, 2016
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A rating on a women's attractiveness, based off of users preference
1-10 Female attractiveness scale),
1. hag 2. hideous 3. really ugly 4. ugly bitch 5. ugly 6. bitch 7. average 8. purdy 9. pretty 10. beautiful 11. Error 0. a man
by TheUltimateJaywalker October 4, 2016
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Why does urbandictionary want a definition for this?

Should be:
1-10 Female attractiveness scale

Or even better:
0-10 Female attractiveness scale
Can you define these popular missing words?

dense breast 1-10 Female attractiveness scale), wamables toking up yqy sterobrys cory lind ppap Ppap f*ckening

The breast was dense.
by Albert Instain October 19, 2016
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1 is ugly, 10 is ultra bangable. Glasses boost your score by 1.
Was sup nigga, Yo momma is only like a 2 on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale.
by OrangutanManFrogHands September 18, 2016
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The scale that people rate women's personality by:

1-Evil, heartless soul with no regards for humanity
2-Very spirited woman
3-Criminal of a lady; probably a murderer
4-Low-key robber; probably robbed a bank
5-Outcast; people tend to stay away from her
6- Misunderstood weirdo
7-Decent human being
8-Better personality than her looks
9-Better personality than most people
10-Best personality that's ever lived
"Hey, that girl's robbing that gas station."
"On the 1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale), I'd give her a 4."
by Brenster26 December 3, 2016
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