Originating from the word Asshole or the Latin phrase: (nequissimi ignea culus) is the term used to describe someone who is very unlikeable and tends to hold the belief that they are like amongst the people and can usually hold the characteristics of a Babbling Idiot. (See: Bernie Sanders) Pronounced: A•ss•hol
Matt: Bernie Sanders just said the biggest threat to the nation is white men and their mercantilistic ways and then he removed me from his rally.

Donald: Well as you may know, Senator Sanders is a Flaming Asshole™️ maybe the biggest, warmest, and largest the world has ever seen.
by CNN-Facts_Matter August 14, 2019
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A clip of a Joe Rogan YouTube Poop video where Alex Jones says at 1:08 “The Nut Sauce”
Joe Rogan: Are you saying I’m a homosexual?
Alex Jones: Yes I am
JR: How do you know this is true?
AJ: The Nut Sauce™️
by Gay fart September 26, 2020
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A humours term used to describe the people who pose some sort of a threat.
The number 1 threat to your vault is YOU locking yourself out. A secondary, and much less likely threat, is The Bad Guys™️ getting in.
by Nash_Cooper January 17, 2023
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A person who will skull fuck your mind until your brain explodes and you bleed out. This sexy motherfucker gets all the ladies and just when you think you’ve gotten rid of em, he’ll come back, fuck your bitch, and mind fuck you. He has the hugest dick ever, but is to humble to admit it. He can kick anybody’s ass, and believe me, he will kick anybody’s ass.
Chaz: “Oh shit, here comes The JACKSTR™️! I hope he doesn’t mind fuck me!”
Chaz: “Is that my girlfriend? WHY IS SHE SUCKING HIS COCK?! AND WHY IS IT SO HUGE?!”
by The JACKSTR™️ September 7, 2019
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neotiddies™️ Is a groupchat made up of for sure nctzens but we just a bunch of multis. Most chaotic group chat to ever exist, if you put us together either we getting thrown out of a place or try to suck johnnys toes
who in neotiddies™️ gave me the bubonic plague?”
by dioruwu June 4, 2019
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Stupid loser that told me I’m gay but I’m not and it’s rude and I hate elephants that eat grasshoppers without cars in Mexico and men are shoulder hurt.
“Damn I didn’t know that I could be sued for the use of the word blondie™️ By her”
by May 17, 2022
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