The thing you give a girl and you hope that you're worthy of her love, because the amount of shit she gets from other guys, it's amazing that she'll even accept anyone's heart in the first place. So if she does, fuck dude, you are lucky, and you need to realize how much it truely means to her, and treat it as such. Because, really, they're stronger than you. Or me. Get over it.
Here. I wanted you to have this. My heart.
by pieman69 June 14, 2008
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A word used mostly by handmodels when describing things that they like or love.
"I heart yams."

"I heart disco."

"I heart what you have done with your hands."
by autopilot January 7, 2005
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n: not in literal/physical sense something that people conjure up in their minds which makes them feel that it is somehow affected by love and whenever something bad happens, usually in a romantic relationship, it gets "broken" but more correctly it is not their heart that has been broken, but their definition of the "love" that comes from their "heart"
he broke her heart and she swore she never truly knew love
by mizz hunni June 28, 2003
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a hollow, muscular organ in a vertebrate animal that recieves blood from the veins and pumps it through the arteries by alternate dilation and contraction.
by kb July 6, 2003
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Played-out sportscaster buzzword. Used as a weak compliment to a player or team's stamina or courage when faced with a snowball's chances in Hell of succeeding.
HOWIE LONG: You know, the Bengals suck in every possible way. They have no talent, no coaching, and they play in Cincinnati.

TERRY BRADSHAW: Yeah, but they got heart! Wooo-hoooo! Yessiree, sweet Jimmy-Bob cornbread in th' outhouse!

HOWIE LONG: Dumbass.
by Mook July 16, 2003
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A part of your body that people think it’s okay to break..
by Ihatemylife04 December 7, 2017
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verb, unserious way of expressing your love, used between friends, between boy friend and girl friend with out the seriousness of the l-word, and when someone you dont really know saves your ass
Alli: Shit! I forgot to do that packet for history!

Katelyn: Here girl copy mine

Alli: OMG i heart you!
by texmex013 April 9, 2009
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