The feeling after being out and going to friends house or hangout out with people for long periods of time so you start to need time to yourself
I’m so burnt out i’ve been out and going places everyday for the past week.
by teenliferzzz August 5, 2021
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"What a burnt book"
"Johns being such a burnt book"
by Master of the urban January 2, 2016
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Fecal matter left on penis with a gritty dark looking appearance.
after I got done f****** my sister in the ass I fell asleep and woke up with a bunch of burnt grits on my dick.
by Pony tank 69 October 14, 2019
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It's when you have spent lots os hours in front of a computer during a lot of hours, and your eyes are red, and you feel like your eyes are burning; specially if you've been playing very addictive videogames for a long time (for instance: +8 hours)
Guy 1.- Dude, you look burnt-eyed again, have you been playing WoW again?
Guy 2 .- Not really, I started at midnight farming some stuff for my guild.
Guy 1 .- Dude!! It's midday now!! I think you've got a serious problem, uh.....
by Uxiesama July 25, 2012
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when one is on the verge of being overworked or too stressed out.
I just got done with a 12 hour shift. I'm toasty burnt right now.
by Zarkana June 22, 2021
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A turd that has been cooking too long in your belly and needs to be pooped.
My bathroom schedule is so off that I had to rush home from work with a burnt turd.
by mwecky January 3, 2019
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