When you burp and you have a mask on so you smell it
Guy: *burps while wearing a mask*

Guy: Damn, friendly fire!
by William. January 18, 2021
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A soldiers target ( a human) is usually an enemy, however in certain instances this target is a friendly, a shot towards said friendly is known as friendly fire, friendly fucking or getting friendly fucked.
Did you see swafor trying to friendly fire just because he wasn’t covering his shift
by DAB#2 June 21, 2020
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During a three-some or orgy, a male member ejaculates, landing on another male member/in the shooters own mouth
Dude. I was in an orgy last night and I got friendly Fired. It went in my mouth!
by Mike hawk'shard September 7, 2021
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The art or mistake in which a person playing with their sausage accidentally shoots their special sauce on themselves in an unintended area, such as the face, eye, or missing entirely and hitting an object.
Guy 1: "Last night was going so well when I was home alone, until my load shot in my face."
Guy 2: "Ewww man you forgot to turn friendly fire off, get a rag or something!"
by camjohnstonnn February 12, 2020
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360 Friend'ly

Right-on Wordage

1. An advanced form of 420 friendly
2. 360 Friendly is cool with all mood altering substances
3. 360 friendly is a person who doesnt care what drugs you do as long as they can do some too.
She pulled out the crack pipe and I said damn!!! Im down. Im 360 friendly. Now lets roll these white dice on this stained mattress.

Hey man. I dont judge. Im Cool 360 all around but you need pants on to enter sir.
by Allon Blackman December 9, 2021
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