A brief, exhilarating (albeit not always mutually completely fulfilling) style of sex. A nice, impromptu way to mix things up on the kitchen counter. See also: Kitchen Aid Standmixer

Antonym: tantric sex
To Girlfriends: “Two weeks ago He got home after a long work trip, took me, and wham-bam, 90 second ping pong. I mean, I didn’t get off in the moment, but I can’t stop thinking about it. I think I kind of secretly love it”
by EarlOfEmoji April 7, 2023
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When you here the grandfather clock hit 12 and you have an instant organsm
She looks like she just had a ka-ping.. gross
by Screee pee January 25, 2019
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imaqtkat, the 200 ping god, decimates any competition despite his high ping.
imaqtkat is the 200 ping god
by eaurus October 19, 2023
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Ping of Death is when an attacker sends a ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) Packet that has a WAY bigger size than it should causing machines or even Webservers crash or shutdown
dont @ Me about the name Ping Of Death is just the old term the new term is actually ICMP Flood
by Nice one Perma March 25, 2022
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When you think you’ve got COVID because you got told to self-isolate by the NHS Covid-19 App
“Karen how do you feel today?”
“I feel a bit naff actually, but I got pinged by the app yesterday so I think it’s just ping paranoia
by JonE28 July 15, 2021
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@everyone pinging day is the day in december 9 where you can ping everyone for 24 hours if you want
person 1: @everyone
person 2: why are you doing that?
person 1: its @everyone Pinging Day
by December 9, 2020
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A funny word for table tennis because it sounds like the sound a table tennis ball makes when it hits the table.

A game mostly played by people who are looking for a sport you don’t have to move for (because they hate moving but like to make people think they don’t play games all day long).
Guy 1: Hey let’s play ping pong!

Guy 2: Hahah alright but why?
Guy 1: Because I hate sports but I want people to think that I have hobbies!
Guy 2: Hahah alright!
by spaghettilover69 May 8, 2018
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