incredibly Asian man whos favorite food is dog and egg rolls.he loves screaming at his kids when they miss 1 point on their math test. he was a child slave as kid making carpets so he is really good at not having a soul.
that guy is so asian he looks like a li fung doo.
by long schlong wong February 5, 2018
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A person who is annoying and does not listen to other's opinions. Someone who whines and throws tantrums.
This person is a Jia Li!
by ajhdbca August 9, 2020
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A common way to describe uncertainty, unawareness or lack of information in Bulgaria
George: Greetings, do you know what time is it?
Peter: Eba li maamu
by azsamb0k November 20, 2018
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The beautiful, hot, pretty, majestic wife of Brock Baker.

Pronounced (Lee Baker)
Beautiful woman.
I loooove Lis
Brock Baker: Hey Lis
Lis Baker: Hi honey
*9 months later*
by Laylur October 30, 2023
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The Asian guy that works hard to achieve his goals. Usually the Tech guy in the group. He socializes a lot but only stick to a few close friends.
Louis: i hate coding...
Gay alan: that's because you're not Chong LI
by master lolo December 3, 2022
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A noob lady that always cries when getting flying colours in exam. Always get hurt by the boy she loves.
Kay Li is a smarty pants
by Pantis November 22, 2021
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