The name you use to call McDonald’s when they screwed up your order or when you experienced bad service.
That son of a bitch prick Donald’s screwed up my order again. They gave me a quarter pounder instead of a Big Mac.
by Jahamez May 8, 2019
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"The quality of thinking , feeling and acting like an absolute prick."

In our current days of wellbeing and self-optimization boom, mindfulness is a concept that we have been told we should pursue. Unfortunately, it is really easy to fall into an egocentric state of mind which provokes antisocial behavior. It's something really easy to spot in others, but difficult to spot in oneself because of the entitlement deeply rooted in the definition of being a prick.
1. The restaurant owner is well known for his habit of insulting woman and treating people with arrogance while keeping an hypocritical smile. He seems to be unaware of his prickfulness.

2. I was surprised that nobody showed up to my birthday today. Maybe I have been treating them poorly and I become aware of my prickfulness when it was too late.

3. The 20-people strong team of prickful drunk idiots got into the tube without mask and began shouting nonsense conversation while spreading coronavirus.
by antimarmite September 19, 2020
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Retardy:You can't say that, only some people can say that!
Prick:Well that's retarded
Prick And Retardy is that one movie where a biologist turns himself into an eggplant and calls himself Dildo Prick
by RoseRed669 January 26, 2023
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when a lady pokes you 30 times and you see what swells
The lady at the desk offered to take me around back for a prick test
by dkflsllala December 30, 2019
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A penis shaped like a pickle or a really weird asshole.
Person 1: So how did it go?
Person 2: Well, okay I guess.
Person 1: What's wrong?
Person 2: He's got quite the Pickle Prick..
Person 1: Aww, well there's always that one guy across the street. Maybe you'll have better luck with him.

Person 1: He keeps stalking me and making sex jokes!
Person 2: Man, what a Pickle Prick.
by uneecorncupcakebites April 16, 2015
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When Hammers starts acting cute when he hasn’t had his mid day sammich.
Mike Hams was acting like a jambalayan prick when he said the browns would go 0-16!
by GaryW1995 May 11, 2023
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Someone whose guts you hate, a real prick and loser
My "Prick On A Stick" Landlord is coming by later to get his rent
by RedPortiaOne June 5, 2017
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