That are relationship with multiple people's very dumb at times nice at dancing that is abnormaly often classical girl with high intelligence usually abnormaly fit mostly hard times in studies basically dee are best.
Person 1: dee are so good
Person 2: yeah offcourse
by Sunflowerbae!! September 4, 2022
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dee is gay.
you are gay like dee.
by yachishair August 10, 2021
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Glazer. D1 glazzer
“Don’t use lords name in vain, even tho you just prayed” Dee the glazzer.
by JamesCharChar February 22, 2023
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A real hot sexy cool girl who makes everyone laugh and is a super cool person
Woah its Dee!!!”
by bigkdaddeydee February 8, 2023
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Dee is a squirrel rumored to have very big and yummy nuts. People often ask for his nuts, so he always carries two big nuts just in case. The two nuts he carries are so big that he needs to drag his nutsack all over the floor. Everyone in the woods know about Dee's nuts and everyone wants them. sometimes, People chase Dee's nuts and yell "Ha, gottem" when they catch them.
Snake: Here, look at Dee's nuts.
Monke: Wow, those nuts are extemely huge.
Snake: If you want it, you have to ask Dee, he can probably give you some. I heard he game your mom some too!
by parti_boiii April 1, 2022
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