Second coming of Derek Jeter. Super respectful to everyone, as humble as anyone can be, and Barry Bonds without steriods. When you see Aaron Judge play, it’s like being in a dream, or being able to see into the future. All Yankees fans love him even though he’s only played part of 2016 all of 2017 and most of 2018. He hits a homer almost every game. Unlike Manny Machado, he actually puts his head down and runs when he hits a home run like he’s done it before. Proof that he’s a legend: He played New York, New York when he drove out of fenway park after beating the worst team of all time, the Red Sox
Cole: Dude i saw a Yankees game last night and this guy hit three homers.
Yankees Fan: Oh yeah, must’ve been Aaron Judge
by Andranian October 27, 2018
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The new Green Bay Packers starting quarterback who will be under the spotlight after everything he does because he unfortunately has to follow the career of Brett Favre.

Now a term used for being an underdog and having to live up to someone's achievements.
"Your sister has a 4.0? She Aaron Rodgers'd you in your parents' eyes. F*** her up."
by sounds awful August 6, 2008
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An MLB beast that plays for the Yankees that leads the league in homeruns (currently).
Aaron Judge is going to win the MLB homerun derby!
by ZectoPlays July 9, 2017
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The action of going to prison and hanging oneself
Jeff: Hey did you here about kyle.
Ryan: Yah he Aaron Hernandezed Himself.
by Ryeguy2001 April 19, 2017
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The state of being where you are extremely tired, unmotivated, and exhibit an utter lack of concern for what fellow human beings on earth feel. You are withdrawn, want to go sleep, and just all around want to sit and be useless.
Nate: Hey Aaron, want to go outside and play basketball?

Aaron: Uhhh....mhmmm.....uhh..........

Nate: Uh oh, I think his Aaron syndrome is hitting hard today.
by Blanes Spikers July 28, 2010
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the act of cutting a O shaped hole in watermelon and a pineapple and then cumming into each fruit and then forcing 2 women to drink it and whoever chugs it the fastest is declared the winner
yeah bro i pulled a dirty aaron with jane and joe
by Arianas dussy May 21, 2022
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