My best friend can't wait to see you at the gothsm barbecue xxx

Love from me and my Goons

Also whered you keep getting them kids want one myself
Batman is the greatest friend I've ever had
by The Goddamn Joker September 16, 2021
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He can knock you unconscious, he can beat you up, he can cream you in an IQ Test, and he can break you, but he WON'T kill you.

Also, beware Batman. By the time you see him, it will be too late.
Armed thug N1: I heard the Batman is coming. Everybody, get ready.

Armed thug N2: Bro, fuck Batman. I have a gun, and he's just some freak in a costume. Really, he's nothin.

*a random thug yells*

Armed thug N1: Holy shit, what was that-AHHH!!!

-30 seconds later-


*Batman right behind him*

Batman: I assume you thought yourself invincible, just because you have a gun. But, I Am The Night.

Armed thug N2: *turns around* OHMIGO- *unconscious*
by TheManThatWillBreakYou November 17, 2013
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"Oof....there's Batman"
by Conbon05 June 8, 2019
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(A vigilante that hides in the shadows) He fights crime while struggling with throat cancer and hides behind trash cans after throwing a smoke bomb to make him self look cool.
Never fear! Batman is here!
by TheJimst3r March 28, 2016
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An expression that people use when they don't know what to answer back.
Person 1: Oh my! How did you do that?
Person 2: Because I'm Batman
by KillerFrost June 7, 2015
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When you are fucking a GILF from behind and the old woman skin on her arm starts to sag until it looks like batman's cape!

To successfully do this one should put up a lap behind oneself so you get a shadow that appears to be the bat signal on the wall.
by Scoota B. July 11, 2008
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The batman funny asf specially if she hates Batman an loves Spider-Man.

While fucking a girl from behind grab a flashlight in the corner of the ceiling pull
by Dirty superheros February 25, 2018
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