A smelly pud is stinky fart. A smelly pud can be more of a scaret than a scaret.
Nikki and vlad are smelly puds
by Abdullah11 September 15, 2021
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A term used by the person who does the laundry when they can't remember what the fabric softener Downy Unstoppables is called.
Honey, can you buy some smelly balls? We are out and I have to do the laundry this weekend.
by cornmesser June 10, 2021
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The insult to use for someone he simps for an anime character so bad they don't shower or do self hygiene.
Kid 1: Have you seen kid 3? he hasn't showered in weeks! i think hes turning into a Smelliodas!
Kid 2: Yeah i know its so bad he isn't gonna have any friends soon!

Kid 3: D;
by fractionator April 24, 2021
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smelly munky is a young lady who smells really bad, and is a munky.
she has a great sister who is adicted to cows :D
she makes great milkshakes :D
smelly munkys need to 'shut ya mouth bigger more'
smelly munkys are mista chu
smelly munkys bums are so big u can see them from the front
smelly munkys are special
eww, i can smell that smelly munky from across the other side of the world!
by ilike2moo February 3, 2010
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Foul smelling odour emanating from the vulva majoris.
Damn! That girl has Smelly Flaps Syndrome (SFS) . I can smell it a mile away.
by UWOTM8? October 15, 2017
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When he luckily got the fuck on this morning and you start your period that afternoon; he comes home from work and you serve him up a Beer an shot, threw up the leg all sexy like and he says “what are you doin with your biscuits?” I said “this smelly jelly biscuit”
Sup?; watching a movie with a smelly jelly biscuit

It’s only anal tonight boo; I’m a smelly jelly biscuit up front
by sugarmelon September 8, 2021
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