Blaze is a smart thoughtful guy he has a HUGE personality and he is very strong. His max bench is five cheeseburgers. He usually does not get the guys but yet gets all the hose. He had great hair and great ass. His dad has not left.
Blaze is so cool “
“I know he is the bestest blaze ever.”
Holy sheet blaze is as hot as donkey sheet
by Blaze raz March 1, 2022
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A cringey ass kid that thinks he’s all that but is DEFINITELY NOT. He fails most of his classes and is very unintelligent. Blazes usually have twins. There homophobic but watches gay porn and gets turned on. All blazes have small dicks (2 inches probably) he’s also a very racist piece of white trash.
ALEXIA: Wow who’s that piece of white trash over there
KENZIE: oh that’s just blaze his dick is 2 inches🤮 -🍆
by Art gurls April 30, 2019
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A large amount of people coming towords you or running away.
If you enter a room with a lot of people and they come towards you, it is a blaze of people.
Oh holy cow! That is an absolute HUGE blaze of people coming!
by SS supershark January 4, 2017
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she usually likes calebs but for their cock she likes the taller men because she thinks they have the biggest of cocks she is addicted to sex
omg blaze dont you want him he's so hung
by haaaaahaaaa May 16, 2018
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