A being from another planet that totally laugh at are falling species.
“I watched a documentary about aliens and they warned us not to use nuclear weapons a long Time ago

*WWll still happening*

*the Cold War still happening*
by 20Avart07 November 22, 2021
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aliens totally exist living in their planets and space.
will-“Have you seen thoes aliens dawg?”
scotty-“yuh no cap on god brah no kizzy
by admin of interplanetary travel January 13, 2022
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Hym "Yeah, do YOU go off? Do YOU know what happens? I mean... At this point, you'd better hope it's not me. I mean... Right? Sorry Aliens. Not super thrilled with whatever did this."
by Hym Iam July 19, 2023
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something that is *not* human nor god(s)
once in a comic book aliens were defeated by a group of superheroes despite not being evil
by nonekopopo February 17, 2023
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we’re strange, we believe everything is strange here!

the image is our predator; we’re scared!!!
man that alien is weird! (like i said we’re strange)
by bruhonfoenem December 18, 2021
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An extraterrestrial creature usually from other planets, it may have a different appearance to the race known as Humans. It is also usually found in an place known as Area 51.
"Let's see them aliens."
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