Woman whom looks old but still loves weiner
Leave me alone your just being a weiner hag right now.
by VYPERSNYPER78 April 28, 2024
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Hagging - when you go to meet up with friends and it is agreed upon that no one is to put in any effort to make themselves look nice. Greasy hair, no makeup and trackies are all encouraged.
Hey Saz, I’ll be over at 7pm for movie night. You, Julie and Katie are hagging too, right?
Hey Saz, I’ll be over at 7pm for movie night. You, Julie and Katie are hagging too, right?
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when something goes soo far beyond haggard that it she forbidden. stems from "haggard".
i jst gripped the new Jay-Z, the album is soo hag-daddied
by sweet.skunk January 15, 2009
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Someone who pushes low end branded swag
Peggy for Peggy Creations, can be such a swag hag
by wicked225 September 6, 2018
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A person who Is friendly with someone who is not on Facebook, but stil agrees to post the non Facebook person’s Pictures, videos and comments on their own Facebook page for them.
“I’m not on Facebook, but I have a Facebook Hag who posts stuff for me!”
by AJ Rules The School July 18, 2018
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the dirty rotten bastards who order the most expensive thing on the menu, and then won't help pay the bill
Man, my mother-in-law is a Hag Lobster. She ordered the Lobster Feast and then stiffed me with the bill.
by wordqueens3 March 3, 2011
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ass hag is a type of person who likes to insult people and when they are being insult they get offended
Kathrine is such an ass hag!!!

Kathrine gets so offended easily but when she insult people it doesnt bother her conscience. That's an ass hag!!!
by a$$hag January 15, 2012
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