A slang term for a woman's pudendal cleft, particularly during menstruation when it resembles a bloody wound.
Kelly had a heavy flow from her axe gash.
by Space guru April 4, 2022
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When something is some what experience expensive but is terrible and or useless.
“Why’d you buy that it’s so gashe.”
by Crams September 15, 2019
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Occurs when a man performs oral sex on a woman's vagina in a manner similar to that of a horse eating out of a feed trough.
Q: What are you doing tonight?
A: Oh man, I'm just gonna be cribbin' gash non-stop.
by whiskerdick February 16, 2009
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A Generation Gash is when someone has Sex with a girl’s gap and her mother’s gap or vice versa. If done within the same month you become a General!
Jamie: I ended up round a woman’s house the other day, and her daughter was sat at the other end of the room, I banged her last week!! They both had a massive generation gash!
by Henri the hoover March 29, 2018
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a possibly fit girl seen from a long way off is described as potential gash. when you get closer you can decide whether they are fit or not.
by John Smithsonbury June 4, 2010
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