Your a real ass mess if you dont clean your room!
Maria- hey is my room clean
Me- not only is your room not clean but your a mess!
by Daria's jokes May 21, 2022
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When you or your pet has so many medical problems there's no single diagnosis for all of them
What did the veterinarian say is wrong with your dog?

They said she's got so many problems it considered hot mess syndrome!!

jacked up messed up bad
by Tragus February 7, 2017
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when one is found in a state of paralysis, vomit stains on their clothing and an elastic band placed around the head as a chin strap.

the male version tends to have their rod protruding from the zip area of the lower garments.
'I seen your man (TQ) in an absolute mess outside the bar on Sunday'
by jamiej13 May 28, 2014
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A mess crank is U.S Navy jargon for the lower ranks position working in the galley, same as K.P. in the Army.
Get your ass in my galley, mess crank, and swab this deck -NOW !!!
by Woodstock78 April 24, 2020
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The word gooey mess is used for someone that is not strong enough to face challenges or the outside world
by Be_nawtie September 12, 2021
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It's when you go and clean up a mess, then you turn your back for one second and it seems like two more, or the original sized mess has now doubled. Because people around you don't have a basic human functioning such as cleaning up after themselves, Or they are too lazy to do so.

( I swear to God it seems like I am living in a crack house, Or a horders. And at this point in time I can't tell the difference)
"Cleaning up after this hydra mess is going to be the death of me. It seems like I turn my back for one second and two more have sprung up."
by DragonsBane07312000 January 12, 2022
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