a friendly man who eats cheese and naughty kids
billy turned off the lights in the daycare and the boogie man ate 'em
by raybeez February 10, 2022
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A UwU guy who has a axe in his hand
2: was it the Boogie man~?
by Selena>< May 7, 2022
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The act of jacking off, jerkin your gerkin, whacking your pud, choking your chicken, spanking your monkey, wrangling the weasel, etc...
Today I busted in on my boyfriend doing the fist boogie.
by missdazzle January 16, 2018
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Your partner lies on his back, his legs straight out in front of him, a pillow under his head so he can watch the action. You straddle him with your head facing his feet. With your hands on the floor for support, you back up onto his penis. He holds your upper thighs or butt tightly while you thrust.
Goddamit dude ! this hoe applied the backup boogie on me last night , made me double jizz on her , no pullup dude . Geez
by Tommy Jacketson April 30, 2021
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Saloon-sound ("boogie-woogie") version of "Theme from Bridge Over the River Kwai".
Jazz-band leader, addressing the saloon patrons over the PA system: "Okay, now we're gonna play the Colonel Boogie March; feel free to sing --- er, I mean **whistle** --- along. Okay, fellas --- an' a-one, an' a-two, an' a-three, an' a-four..."
Audience: "Wheestle --- whuh-whoo-whoo-WHEE-WHEE-whoooo... wheestle --- whuh-whee-whuh-whoo-whoo-whaahh... wheestle... whuh-whee-whuh-WHEE-whoh.... whuh-whee-whuh-whee-whuh, whuh-whee-whuh, whee-whoooooo...."
by QuacksO July 24, 2018
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When your trying to do Beyonces "surfboart" in the bathtub and your girl accidentally slams her foot in you mouth.
Yo, dude we tried to get freaky and do the surfboard, but instead we did the bathroom boogie.
by Nofear6372 May 11, 2014
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