Any advanced system through which human beings interact with electronic or mechanical devices.
An operating system on a computer acts as a Technology Service for a user to interact with programs and applications, as well as other computer systems.

An information technology professional provides Technology Services for common users to interface with their personal peripheral devices.
by Crailsledge September 13, 2009
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Man cuz that broad gave me some ill ass service.

Hey gurl you down wit the service?
by Deelicious March 14, 2005
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Someone who is asexual, but allows themselves to be used to "service" their partner.
"how can you be asexual, but have had sex?"
"oh, I'm a service ace!"
"What's that?"
"I'm asexual, but I will 'service' my partner!"
by A3PO May 2, 2022
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When a customer thinks you get there fast and complains that you’re not a Real Man.
I’m sorry ma’am... you misread the advertisement. I offer emegency services. It was your mistake!
by JimmyjamtheRealMan July 8, 2018
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Someone who hears you but isn’t actually listening or gives a shit. They will nod and act like they care but have hardly a clue of what you said. People who “listen” to you talk but just so they can respond and they like to hear themselves talk. Similar to lip service but with your ears. Pretending to listen.
“Hey did your girlfriend tell you about her doctors visit?”

“Yeah but I had to give her ear service cause she wouldn’t shut up after 15 minutes.”
by Pink panther 89 April 16, 2019
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In the choice is between blind service to the planet and blind service to the horde I’m taking whichever one causes the insulin shortage.
Hym “It’s blind service either way and what you’re doing is just as bad as using fear and compulsion sooo.... maybe everyone will get hungry enough that I may be able to convince them join me in gnawing on your bones 🤷 ♂️ I die either way.
by Hym Iam October 28, 2022
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A word used from the period of 1972 -1979 referring to secret adult establishments which were generally covered up or hidden in fast food restaurant menus
My boy just showed me the kfc menu i see they have them sudden service... mmm chicken ain't the only thing ima be eating
by Your Indian nigga August 14, 2017
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