the type of person who is a bit tsundere who won't outwardly admit they care for those close to them. They have a peculiar sense of humor, that not even they understand. They oscillate through the moods of withdrawn and crackhead. They may stare blankly frequently, but they simply are in deep thought (do not disturb, they are most likely thinking about oreos).
denny is so quiet, people often forget they are there, always lurking.
by WJH0423 July 4, 2020
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A restaurant that you can only end up in if - A) You aren't sober or B) Your life is in a tailspin and have hit rock bottom. The mean weight of the average person who goes to Denny's is 375 lbs or so. When entering you have a good 50% chance that you either pass out in the bathroom or take a big portion out of your life because of the food, most likely both. Similar but even trashier to iHop, Denny's is a place where most of the visitors know more about the menu than the waiters and waitresses (Which is justified since they see how it's really made and know that eating it is a death-wish) . If you had the mental capacity to read to this point, you probably understand fully that Denny's is a place you try to avoid at all costs...
Guy 1: Yo, wanna go to Denny's tonight? I heard they had they have a deal on Grand Slams.
Guy 2: We can't be friends anymore, I wasn't aware that you don't have any regard for my health, family, or general well being...
by Skeetwood Mac June 17, 2016
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is the rice king.
"I cannot finish my rice."
"Go offer your rice to Denny, the rice king"
by how888 December 7, 2021
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Denny is a mature, loyal, and friendly person. He will be the person that will always be there for you no matter what. Dennys can also be funny sometimes.
Lexi: Did you see that guy over there that was dancing?
Matt: Yeah, that's Denny
by itsmelexiarbon May 22, 2021
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this fat ass eats everything he sees
Dennys are so fat
by jksdbv;WBn'/ February 4, 2019
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Denny for the most part is a female name. They are girls build with courage and integrity , they are beautiful inside and out.
They are big achievers , usually getting where no one else can possibly go.
They can have all the money in the world , travel , and easily be who they want to be.
They hustle for a reason, and when they win they win big.
Not your average girl next door, they have a perfect mix of brain and physical appearance, so they are notable within their circles . They do not need a man to succeed , because they are sufficient themselves.
Denny has an amazing sense of reality and her vision inspire others to succeed
by Newyorquina November 24, 2021
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