the act of stalking someone or watching them from across a table or other form of surface and noticing subtleties that others would not be aware of. this usually applies to close friends but can sometimes relate to a plain old creeper
while table stalking, panda learned that adventure boy eats fermented milk (viili) from his home country of scandinavia/finlandia. this came as quite a shock because viili happens to be lactic acid bacteria which is disgusting
by Tomato Pandaa November 9, 2008
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The moment when communication or a connection has been accomplished with the stalkee of your efforts. This may involve speech or a brushing of the arm when the stalkee walks past the stalker. "Stalk" can be substituted for the codename of your stalkee.
"OMG did you just see that COOK-contact?! I just bumped into him!"

"Awww I loved that stalk-contact today, I love talking to ZIP!"
by it's time December 1, 2009
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To stalk a friends friend on a socail network to see who else the friend is connecting with or knows, to get info or the down low on that person.
Mike- hey what do you know about Megan, like who is she friends with so i can the downlow on her?
Madison-I dont know, how about friend stalk her?
by nevershoutneverlove325 January 9, 2011
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The act of waiting in your car until someone you think is attractive and/or driving around the parking lot; in order to catch a glimpse of them as they are getting out of their and walking towards the establishment you are at.
Foxy Boxy: Jersey Mike...there's that girl in the mini from the apartments.
Jersey Mike: Alright, i'll wait until she gets out so we can pull around and get a good view.
Foxy Boxy: Alright. Let's parking lot stalk her.
by FOXY BOXY February 1, 2011
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A new version of Follow Friday, on the Social Networking site "Twitter." This fashion was created by Twitter user @maskedscientist
Let me give a shout out to @so_n_so @jonhdoe for today's #stalksaturday. You should #stalk them. This is a "Stalk Saturday."
by mstmat September 25, 2009
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following the car behind you by watching their directional to see what way they will turn. makes people think they are following you. definitely entertaining when you're bored and driving around.
i was back-stalking that car until they figured it out and pulled over.
by emac March 19, 2007
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Watching over a cities night life on a high ledge or building.
“Batman is a master of city stalking”

“I go city stalking with my friends, we see cops speed down roads, drunk people go home and cool cars buzz by”
by IFiWasAking March 17, 2023
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