When you’re so fat that when you sit down and lean forward, you’re midriff resembles folded laundry
Man this tunic’s too tight, i look like a pile of washing
by Big aldo July 13, 2019
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Software or websites that are poorly design and typically get in your way of getting a task done.
software design
This booking site is just a pile of clicks...
by Darkpixel November 19, 2015
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Used to describe a prison or jail.
"man I did 5 years in the brick pile, I ain't going back."
by SlimShardy January 21, 2023
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A cocktail beyond your wildest dreams, concocted by a Mr. Diaz. No one knows the ingredients, although there are undertones of honey.
That Diaz sure knows how to make a Scandinavian pile driver
by chestrrrr March 18, 2021
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“Jerking off on a pile of sand” is a metaphor used to describe the poor planning and execution of the withdrawal from Afghanistan under Joe Biden‘s administration. Not only leaving US military equipment and creating civil unrest in already unstable country, and then after all that they don’t even trying to help civilians find refuge in neighboring country’s. Although Afghanistan is an Islamic Republic, someone argue it’s more of a dictatorship.
Tim “Hey Bill did you see the news”

Bill “Yeah man”

Tim “jerking off on a pile of sand

Bill “Well shit, we could go there and get a blackhawk helicopter with a 50% discount”

Tim “I Already booked tickets”
by Big man 1776 October 16, 2022
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