When the tongue is erect/ when your done sucking dick and he cums on your face and so your mouth shuts down it’s muscles so that it is stuck in the erect position, giving all access to suck the tongue if desired.
Yesterday, I experienced my very first oral boner, and I wasn’t able to eat for hours!
by Imsobisexualitsweirs February 11, 2018
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The action of repeatedly ramming ones cock into another's face until releasing his nut soldiers, which in turn creates a day care in the recipients belly
Dude, chad was totally oral blasting your mom lastnight
by Kcrum25 July 3, 2016
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As in "Bitch please, my teeth are clean"
"How are your teeth?"
"Oral B, bitch please, my teeth are clean"
by hallospceboy August 19, 2014
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Short term for oral vancomycin, an antibiotic that is effective against antibiotic-associated colitis when administered orally, but must be administered intravenously to treat infections outside the gut
Oral vanco is not effective against brain abscess
by Vanco the magnificent April 8, 2011
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When a guy cums in your mouth, but makes you laugh at the same time so you projectile spit cum all over him, the bed and the wall.
Sammy made Stacey laugh right as he came in her mouth that she turned into a oral irrigator - spraying everything in site.

See also cum sprinkler
by SaltyBrunette September 19, 2020
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Giving/receiving head though the window of two vehicles that are side by side as they are driving down the road. Done in vehicles like school buses or vans.
Paul took out his dick and the jot girl in the bus next to us started giving him mobile oral fenestration.
by The Individualist March 31, 2014
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