an exclamation used to express a great amount of distress, depression, frustration, etc.
you say it when shit sucks.
tara-lee: grandma died earlier today.
spencer: how'd she die?
tara-lee: she got a bad batch of crack.
spencer: oh balls fuck my life.
by whaddup tara-lee September 6, 2008
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When Ryan Simpson and Bethany MacArthur started dating, Sebastien Coyle started moaning this phrase.
When Seb saw Ryan he screamed, "Oh Bethany! Suck my toes!!"
by Oh_Oh_Oh_Oh,Ryan September 11, 2018
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Uttered loudly over a game of t-low, used to express the anguish and loss felt by an illegitimate inner-city father over the loss of his child's diaper funds to gambling or drugs. To be said with an urban accent. See hey, that's my cell phone
When Kyle saw that he had lost his two dollars, he jumped up and screamed "oh snap, niggah, that's my kid's diaper money!"
by fidel November 1, 2004
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Unvoiced for Oh my God.

The /g/ sound is the the voiced cognate of the unvoiced /k/, and the /d/ sound is the voiced cognate of the unvoiced /t/, thus, articulator placement during production cat is identical to the production of the word god. God backwards may be dog, but God unvoiced is cat.
Oh my cat, what a cute houseplant.
by NYPopcat June 17, 2022
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Oh my Knob is a phrase taken from timed where the school would not let you curse openly. The prase its self is a classin word play of "oh my god" but 'God' is replaced with Life 'Knob' to not break that sacred 3rd amendment. 'Knob' is a slag word for dick which id a word that would not be allowed on school grounds except for lil richard. So what your really saying is "OH MY DICK" but with a clean word for dick.
by Oh My Knob Man February 8, 2018
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suck my oh lauren is gay amazing
you: hiii xDDDDD
me: heyyyy qurl. SUCK MY OH :3
you: suck my oh???
me: Lauren Is Gay Amazing :)
by jenan December 12, 2013
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Said every fucking white girl in America who thinks she's cool, mystique, and spiritual because she knows about obsolete astrology concepts and just told you this because you did some minor stupid shit and Capricorn happens to be your sign. The application may vary depending on the victim's corresponding zodiac sign.
You, a Capricorn: "Hey guys I'll be right back, I gotta clean up some glass from a vase I knocked over."

That one fucking bitch at the party: "Oh my god, you are such a Capricorn"
by ThePopSmoke(whoisdead) January 19, 2021
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