When sad people feel poor so they mistakenly buy an iPhone to look rich.
"Bret was embarrassed about being poor so he bought an iPhone because he heard they make you look rich. He's feeling rich now that he's iPhone rich."
by Vicky Vegas May 16, 2020
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They'll think you're got shit when they have you, hold onto you when they think they need you, but then trade you up first opportunity they get. (Refering primarily to a shitty boy/girlfriend who is with you because you happen to be sucked into their shit. Had someone else come along before they'd be with this sack of shit and you wouldn't even be on their radar. ) Just like how you thought your Iphone 4 was amazing until you got that fancy ass 5c, and sold your 4 like the cheap whore it really was.
Mary thought Jack was totally in love with her until Mindy, a hotter, taller, skinnier girl came to town. Turns out Jack was only with Mary until he could trade up for a Mindy; proving he's got Iphone Syndrome, and should be set on fire.
by _nitzah_ February 5, 2018
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Basically ur mum goes to stormzy and says"peng tings on my watsapp and my iphone 2"
by Mad help March 16, 2017
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