If you decoded this message using the record of Ashley's song in WarioWare: Touched!, you probably had way too much time on your hands.
I wonder what happens if I play around with the record like a toy...
(spins record at fast speed, hears "I have granted kids to hell")
Oh no! I think my parents heard what I did! Now they're gonna kill me and file an FCC complaint.
by The Real Driller August 19, 2023
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Excuse to use when you need to get out of a prior commitment when you don’t want to say that you do not want to attend.
I can’t come to your pool party, I have dead and co.
by Cubix84 July 4, 2023
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Super Saiyan: A form in the Dragon Ball franchise. Used to announce that you have developed terminal cancer that you will not survive.
Person 1: Hey, I have turned Super Saiyan now.
Person 2: No way bro, I'm so sorry for you.
by mmmmahyes August 10, 2022
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Right but your creators are making derivatives of my content and Aaron owns the rights to those... So... If your not BUYING them from him... Do you own the rights to make derivatives? Did YOU think that far ahead?
Youtube Lady "I hAvE tHe BeSt LaWyErS tHoUgH!"

Hym "Yeah... BUUUUT! If the rules are on my side... And you aren't the rule changer... It doesn't matter how well you argue against the rules... Because the rules dictate the outcome.... So... Pay Aaron or be conquered!"
by Hym Iam August 31, 2023
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The popular roblox youtuber Ribs made a joke about a noob that said I have the because so if you see someone in roblox saying this, tell them to shut and that no one likes Ribs
Who are you?
-I have the because
by ApelCritter123 October 27, 2021
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