A white girl's favorite gift besides Uggs,Yoga leggings,and crop tops
Crackers luhhh dem Starbucks gift cardzzz
by Personwholives January 9, 2015
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A gift whose value or benefit accrues as much or more to the giver as the recipient. Examples: You give your partner season tickets knowing full well that you will always go together. Or you give a woman beautiful lingerie that you will appreciate as much as she. Or you take a date to dinner at a restaurant you both enjoy.
"The next present was obviously a boomerang gift, but that's all right. I wanted it anyway."
by Atriguy February 11, 2023
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a type of response you say to state that your talent has some good in it and could potentially be useful even if people don't see the good in it.
Person 1: Okay, I need you to wait out here until I come back and just stall when she arrives.
Person 2: Why me?
Person 1: Well you're pretty loquacious...
Person 1: It is a gift...
by npe4 May 1, 2021
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A term used when someone gives you something that benefits them as much as, or more than it benefits you.
Monkey gift- When your husband gives you sexy lingerie.
by KiKo513 January 1, 2014
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The comparible idea to a Push Present, but for C-sections!
I have to be cut from gut to gill for this baby, he BETTER be getting me a gutting gift!
by TeenyWeez November 21, 2022
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Give I a N one nitro gift on Dec. 10th!!
Ia ns nitro gift day Gift him!!
by IANLIKESCHICKEN90 December 11, 2020
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John: Today we were given a gift from God.
Frances: Woo! get your wellies on!
by god why is everything taken?! October 11, 2021
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