1. Something people say to talk to you but don't have anything to say.
2. A word as if you written " Hello world. " there would be 2 words.
3. Something you could type to be silly.
4. Word
Person 1: Hey, person 2! Did you do the homework for today?
Person 3: Yeah, I think it was a piece of cake, how did you do Person 2?
Person 2: word
by COCACOLAESPUMA December 6, 2020
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Someone who is so sTuPiD that they have to search up Word.
Ty: ¨Did you here Johnny searched up Word?¨
Freddy: ¨Yeah he is so sTuPiD
by #sTuPiD April 11, 2019
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The word word means when you say a word and try to find out the deffinition of a word a brand new word comes up and u got nothin' to do and also try to avoid "Do you are have stupid" someone because that is a word and a word is anyoing and you can not uno reverse card a word because it is a word
Ok, thats all had to say.
Billy: AYO, Bob whatchu doin there?
Bob: Do you are have stupid

Billy: waht?
Bob: I just gave you the word curse and you can not reverse it
Billy: oh.
Bob: .........
Billy: "dissapears eternaly to the shadow realms
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Hey! Just found some words in this lake!
by psudonym? September 24, 2022
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People use words everyday alot, this dictionary has over a billion words
by 365fapnotime July 15, 2021
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"I can't think of the right word to describe this"
by Bbb554 November 2, 2022
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