The INSIDE OUTHOUSE is a physical act that consists of drinking a bucket of shit and then sucking dick. Generally speaking, the term is a metaphor; it describes the incredibly demoralizing act of producing a TV show for an American Network run by morons and fuck-wits. These morons and fuck-wits have no idea what they want or what they are doing so you get completely hammered by their inane suggestions and useless notes. After you've heard these Network types contradict themselves for the millionth time, you are made to feel like you're drinking buckets of shit and sucking dick to placate people who don't deserve your effort.
"The network just called... they want to completely recut the episode and change the ending"
"Really? But we just gave them what they asked for... Fuck!"
"I know. The bastards have really got us doing the INSIDE OUTHOUSE on this job."
by giantsquid_jv November 1, 2011
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Another word for vagina.

Coined by the Plumbing boys in their video about Avatar.

(Plumbing the Death Star is a podcsat featured on the Sanspants Radio YouTube channel, in case context is needed.
Look 'em up, they're pretty funny.)
Zammit: "You got your reproductive organ..."
Duscher: "My big ol' dong"
Zammit: "Your big ol' dong, or your INSIDE-DONG, otherwise known as a vagina."
by BoxerJoe October 4, 2017
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The conspiracy theory that George W. Bush carried out the terrorist act of 9/11 to justify the invasion of Iraq.
Guy 1:“I can’t believe the Taliban would do such a thing”

Guy 2: “nah broski 9/11 was an inside job”
by kit____ August 14, 2023
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a feeling of inability to follow one's own will; a precipitate or dilation.
After a long day of decision-making, Sarah felt an overwhelming insidance, unsure of which path to choose.
by Marc2.0 August 17, 2023
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One of the most common ways to beat a hockey defenseman on the way to the net.

You dangle (deceive) the d-man into thinking your going to blow by him outside, when he sets his feet to angle himself towards you, a good dangler will put the put from the outside to the inside while either jumping or shifting his body so that the outcome is the defenseman now on the outside and the shooter in prime position to deke or shoot on the goalie.
Patty dangles was screaming down the right wing, the senators d man got out of his backwards skating and skated forward towards the puck when Patty dangles put the puck through the D's legs on the outside inside move before shelfing on the goalie who was way out of position.
by pattydangles July 14, 2011
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Inside sales is for lackluster salesmen with no enthusiasm or potential to become better people or advance their careers. They’re basically bitches to real account executives.
by syra February 14, 2023
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