When you drop a lightbulb down your bottom crack and you scream daddy yes yes and shout at the top of your voice I'm going to suck my large bent penis.
by WILLY SCRANNER February 18, 2020
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A person, most often a male, who does something that degrades their dignity or makes you mad in one way or another
“That ye ye ass nigga took my fries without asking.”
by Bxlly May 1, 2018
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That one meme created by someone from Turkey, obviously.

Wednesday x Skididop created by ThatOneGuy.

Probably the most viral meme yet.
Morty: Hey have u heard of that new BRRRR SKIDIDOP DOP DOP OH YES YES YES meme?
Rick: oh yeah
by AQUAR1US4LIF3 March 16, 2023
The spare ten words uttered by a cornered and apparently overwhelmed ex-president on the day of his arraignment in New York City on April 4, 2023.
Now in a mode of self-protection, all DJT said was, “not guilty, yes, okay thank you, yes, I do, yes,” and then the handful of weary yet diehard, red-capped supporters went home and wondered who and what they were supporting that day.
by Dr Bunnygirl April 6, 2023
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When a homie got a shitty cut and still believes he'll get pussy with it
Homie1: yo let me see the cut
*5 seconds later*
Homie1: *slaps* ye ye ass hair cut
by EdoYoshi June 9, 2021
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that means real balls or idk XD
haha yes ok balls yes
by SitrexRex April 23, 2022
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The combination of no u , yes u, and anti-yes u, which makes the most overpowered comeback in the universe. Whoever says anti-yes you first after yes u was said will end your opponents life.
1: ur mom gay lol
2: No u Yes u Anti-yes you lol
1: wait wha- *dies*
2: don’t fuck with me, bitch
by Screeeeeeeee June 14, 2019
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