a bastardization of roofles, which is a bastardization of rofl, which means rolling on floor laughing
yar har har, keke. the waffles taste good with those keekleberries.


Not knowing what a zerg rush is made me waffles
by jesus December 8, 2003
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When you moon someone thru a chain link fense.
Dude, let's go over to the overpass and waffle the fuckin' nine to fiver's.
by shootz January 28, 2005
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1. n. A lighter version of a pancake, but crisp and made with a waffle iron.
2. v. To fuck a girl doggy style through a waffle, when the male is finished with his business he releases his sperm onto the waffle and the female eats it as a tasty treat. Also known as waffling.
3. v. A term used to describe a very attractive female that needs a good waffle and cock in her pussy.
1. Let's make some waffles today dear.
2. My girlfriend and I are going to waffle when I get off work tonight!
3. I would waffle the shit out of her! She is definitely waffle worthy!
by Mcholypotato October 23, 2007
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1. Bob's hands are really big, so waffling with him was a little awkward.

2. Are Jack and Jill a couple? They are always waffling when they walk to class together.
by Yknow February 6, 2012
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try hard (generally referring to school) whose only goal is to seem smart and important in the eyes of their peers and administrators. some common waffle acts include but are not limited to
-asking how somebody did on an assignment just so they can say how well they did
-going ahead in the work and then make a big deal about it like by asking a question like "what if I'm already done"
-racing to finish every in-class assignment first
-answering every question with the intent of proving they know the answer
be honest everyone, we all have some waffle in us. its good to embrace this waffleness that we got, but don't let it consume our personalities
Ryan: "Yo Adam, How'd you do on the physics test?"
Adam: "Shut up Ryan you waffley ass bitch"
Ryan: *shame upon his elders*
by Ryan is my Bitch September 27, 2020
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v. Known mainly in the computer gaming world for when someone plays for so long, fighting the need for sleep, they end up passing out face down on their keyboard. When they wake up, the keys are imprinted on their face resembling a waffle.
"He's been up for 2 days leveling his character, I bet he's going to waffle any second now"

"I'm so tired, I'm about to waffle in the middle of this raid"
by pandapastry July 12, 2009
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