Visa johnson is your mom 🤠
Whats your moms name? Visa johnson
by Visa Johnson April 18, 2022
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Visa Johnson is your mom 🤠🤠
whats your moms name? Visa Johnson
by Visa Johnson April 18, 2022
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Jonathan: how you doing?
Steven: good, how bout you?
Jonathan: visa versa
by Dknsn March 8, 2022
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An attractive woman who will hook up with a man regardless of attraction for the purpose of obtaining a visa to said man's country.
That bar has plenty of hot locals but they are all visa biscuits.
by Ghengis Juan November 6, 2006
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1. When one engages and/or admires lesbian interaction.

2. When one accepts lesbian activities into society.

to accept visa
Neha accepts visa and mastercard.

The girls are so stoked because Canada accepts visa .
by Wanita Banks July 11, 2006
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Tongue-in-cheek description of a certain type of give-and-take "assistance contract", whereby either:
(1) Person A provides companionship/intimacy to Person B in exchange for his spending money on Person A (i.e., using with his **Visa** card), or
(2) Person A agrees to marry Person B --- or at least to provide Person B with one or more "services" of a similar nature as in Example 1 --- so that Person B will "pull strings" with the authorities to provide Person A with a green card or temporary citizenship (a "visa"), so that Person A will be able to legally reside in Person B's country for an extended period of time.
Financially-solvent dude: It seems like nearly all the cute chicks I've met expect me to go by the "I grant you what you desire, and visa versa" deal... why does romance seem to always have a string attached?!??
by QuacksO February 3, 2017
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A visa type card that allows a person to receive welfare benefits each month without the need to mail and cash a check. It is basically the opposite of employee benefits because no work is required to receive them. The style of the card varies state to state but if you see any black or Latino with a plastic card you can be sure it is either a hood visa or a real credit card stolen from a white man or woman. These cards can also be used as a weapon. To do this you will need to locate a black or Latino individual, take their hood visa and hide it under their work-boots. Once this has been done said individual will starve to death in 2 - 4 days unless they are able to rob a corner store and or hire a white person to locate the card for them.
That woman on aisle 4 with 34 kids and 8 carts full of groceries must have one hell of a hood visa otherwise this store is seconds away from being robbed.

nigglets sligger black hood food stamps
by saharadryhumor May 24, 2014
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