Reality has no camera angles to depict everyone’s views (Drake a 🤡); there is only one static singular view, for St Andrew.
Andrew: Yo I am GOD cause I got singular view
Stranger: what’s that?
Andrew: well, reality has no camera angles to depict everyone’s views, there is only one static singular view.
Stranger: oh, you are GOD!
Andrew: thanks.
by shrooms October 19, 2023
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a bunch of nocal pussies who have never been laid and only wish they were thuggish. also see twat that lives at home with his mom. vaginas in general.
3rd view got cockmouthed last night ! twats! eat my nuts pussies
by Dirty D-ness October 25, 2007
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A school full of privelaged ass white bitches, pussy niggas, gay teachers, and a lesbian principle. There’s either super smart assholes or retarded ass annoying kids. All the white kids have a car and jangle their keys around on a big ass keychain at all times. The guys vape in the bathroom stall together, the girls fight eachother more than the guys, everyone who goes here is basically a fake ass bitch. All their sports teams suck ass (dancing is not a sport) if you go there, fucking switch schools ASAP
Guy#1: what school you from?

New guy#2: Prairie view man

Guy#1: damn, no wonder you looked gay
by SuckyFuckyWongtime February 11, 2018
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Abbreviation: O.V. The coolest place to live in Virginia. Located along the Chesapeake Bay on the northeastern side of Norfolk, Virginia. The area is populated mostly by middle class, blue collar familes, watermen and the military. Because of its proximity to the largest naval base in the World, it has a reputation for minor crimes, drunkeness and boisterous partying. The now demolished Ocean View Amusement Park was featured in the movie, "Rollercoaster" (1977) and the made for TV movie, "The Death of Ocean View Park" (1979). The area is shunned by the weak and ridiculed by the ignorant. Local hotspots include Harrison's Pier, Greenies Restaurant, Thirsty Camel, and Mick's Pancake House. Unfortuanately all of the above hotspots have been purchased by Judy Boone Inc. and subsequently ruined. The people in the area are still great though.
Judy Boone ruined Ocean View. I can't wait for her OV empire to crash and burn after her idiot kids take control of it.
by jaybeeOV April 13, 2011
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a good view is when you get a good look at a girl with a FINE BEHIND that is accidentally or purposally showing it off and you just happen to check it out in time to get a little peek of the goods

*kate bends over, exposing thong*

"wow! good view over there!!!" says greg
"you bet!" says bob
by greg demarc February 16, 2007
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An opinion, attitude or judgment given after the consumption of alcohol, often on social media, usually after closing time and into the early hours; can contain spelling mistakes, swear words, regret, caps lock on and unfinished sentences...
Did you see that Facebook post by Andy at 2am this morning?

Yeah, typical Andy just giving his drunk pint of view !
by Gingerbreadandy December 5, 2015
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shorthand for iconic demonic imposter. dry, trustworthy aftertase; notes of salt w strain of loganberry
Travis View fled Ukraine in 1988.
by normalandgood October 4, 2021
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