A day of rememberance of the Minbari prophet Valen.
Valen formed the Grey Council and fought The Shadows. He is called Minbari not born of Minbari.
by John February 9, 2004
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1.A day when guys get skrooed for getting their girlfriend or whatever sumthin expensive when they probly wont even get laid and the girl will forget about the gift in about a week
girl:thanks for the giant bear
guy:OH YEA!lets go watch a movie
girl: dont even think about it!
guy:oh =(
by Juantaunsoup February 16, 2004
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A fucking day where people celebrate that they have girlfriends an boyfriends even though they can do that any other day. It's a good chance to waste a lot of fucking time and sperm that you could be wasting any other day.
Also, a day to have endlesss sex. A happy day for all boys! :-p
"Hey, it's valeentine's day!"
"So, then, should we go for twelve hours instead of ten?"
"Hey, bob...You used condoms, right?"
"Uhhhh...WHat are those?"
"Oh shit. I'm pregnant. FUCK YOU SPERM SUPER INSERTER!"
"I had sex with you too?"
by MOo February 15, 2004
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a day for lovers to love even more and to be happy with their lives and for those who don't love they are given a chance to love it's not a conspiracy it's a chance for a new beginning though everyone that has that chance more often than not views it as a conspiracy because they have no hope for themselves then they sulk in their self pitty when they put them selves their in the first place it is also the holiday for the people who spend way too much time making "perfect" gifts that cost way more man hours than dollars but to them and the person that the gift is for it is worth it this is the true spirit of valentine's day then there is all the superficial bullshit that the mass media supports that doesn't mean shit and all the people eat it up
live your life and you will find all these examples of valentine's day sometime or another
by jimi rose February 6, 2007
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The reason why so many suicides are in winter. The reason why there are high murders during February.
Valentine's day, really? Just another way for men to kill each other over a girl.

Guy commits sucide because of Valentine's day coming up.
by One little hellian February 13, 2017
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A special day all women would dream for a very romantic dinner under the starry sky and so forth.

Woman: Hunny, tomorrow is valentine's day....
Man: Oh!! Thanks for reminding me. Bob is having his bachelor party tomorrow night. You wanna tag along?
by mofoJO October 8, 2007
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