Urban Dictionary Tyrants are vicious little maggots and assorted other worms that, failing to comprehend nearly 95% of what they purport to read and "edit", wind up censoring out the very best UD submissions.
There seem to be a lot of pansy-ass Urban Dictionary Tyrants on the board recently, censoring all the cool entries.
by Jacques Asse June 8, 2009
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a playa who cheats
a non wanating scat hipocrite
"wanna fuck?"
"shit no!"
"ok, well im a fuck tyrant so lets slam!"
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People who enforce tyranny on a local level. They will be the first wave of gun stealers and family killers. Whilst easily defeated by any competent soldier; they pose a serious threat to the average citizen. They are the Storm Troopers of the United States Government. Also known as: police, cops, pigs, 12, 5-0, Coppers (for those old folk), dog killers, and wife beaters.
The local municipal tyrants have little to no training and are easily started by your chuawa.
by cp_pone April 18, 2021
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Anyone who owns a small business and profits from the stolen surplus value generated by their workers. Often self-identify as "job creators" but they're actually parasites.
Yeah, Rob Conroy owns a bunch of slum restaurants, he's a small business tyrant.
by JeffersonWheelchair July 4, 2023
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The Angriest of Tyrants. Often bad at things but their raw strength and anger powers them through it anyways.
"Dude that guy is a total Angry Tyrant"
by LeaderBoob September 4, 2022
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this is when someone has the worst strand of HIV virus and The worst kind of Cancer and it mutates giving everyone this horrible as sexual disease on steroids because of cancer cells.. pandemic killing entire of continents in less than a day and airborne...at that and its so hard to get rid of ...it basically destroyed the entire mars life planet in one day. which is now a barren waste land worst than any desert. even our deserts has cactus . this nothing but dead life dead planet. no source of life anywhere on mars now. and now its starting to rise on earth....mars a way bigger planet than earth we live on....
This Tyrant Virus is going to way worst than its weak counterpart from mars. the HIV and cancer on earth is far more deadly.
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And further more that's just some rhetoric that you made up. It doesn't really mean anything.
Hym "Right? Because who defines what constitutes being a tyrant Mr. It's like freedom but BETTER because it's constrained by my social contract ideology... The exception to which is useless legally incompetent retards being brought whores to fuck..."
by Hym Iam February 23, 2023
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